Paduan aluminium berlapis warna dapat bervariasi tergantung pada aplikasi yang diinginkan dan warna spesifik yang diperlukan. Umumnya, paduan aluminium di 1xxx, 3xxx, and 5xxx series are most commonly used for color coated aluminum.
Paduan seri 1xxx adalah aluminium murni dan memiliki ketahanan korosi yang sangat baik dan kemampuan kerja yang baik. Namun, mereka lunak dan tidak cocok untuk aplikasi yang membutuhkan kekuatan tinggi.
The 3xxx series alloys, such as 3003 Dan 3105, have moderate strength and good workability. They are often used for roofing, papan, and other architectural applications.
The 5xxx series alloys, such as 5052 Dan 5083, have high strength and excellent corrosion resistance. They are commonly used in marine and automotive applications.
In addition to the alloy selection, the choice of coating also plays an important role in the final appearance and performance of the color-coated aluminum. Poliester, poliuretan, and fluorocarbon coatings are commonly used for color-coated aluminum.