ahu uouo e tapo'ihia i te ahu uouo

api parau uouo aluminum

What is white color aluminum sheet? Aluminum sheets are commonly used in a variety of applications, e tae noa'tu i te paturaa, Te hamaniraa i te mau pereoo uira, e te mau Ô Haapaeraa Maa. E nehenehe te peni o te hoê api parau e taui ia au i te mau tumu e rave rahi, e tae noa'tu i te faanahoraa no te hamaniraa, Rapaauraa i ni'a i te fenu, e te pereue. E nehenehe e hamani i te mau api parau uouo na roto i te mau ravea huru rau, including painti ...

Tuhaa no te mau hoho'a Peni

Hoho'a peni hamanihia i te aluminum

Do you konw what is color coated aluminum strip? Color-coated aluminum strip is actually a product that has undergone deep processing on the surface of aluminum strip. This further processed color coated aluminum coil and color coated aluminum sheet can greatly improve the weather resistance and corrosion resistance of the aluminum sheet and strip, and can be painted with various colors to increase the decorativ ...

Api parau hamanihia i te aluminum

Powder i nia i te mereti aluminum api

Parameters of powder painted aluminum plain plates Technology: Te mau nota ( PHPF ), te to'eto'e ( CC ), cast Thickness: 3mm etc Applications of powder coated aluminium flat sheets Cladding panels etc

api no te peniraa

api no te peni

Huawei Aluminum color-coated aluminum alloy production The color coated aluminum specialist can benefit your business with more than fifty colors, a wide assortment of gauges and the largest ready-to-ship inventory of colored aluminum sheet and coil in the industry! Color coated aluminum sheets are processed from the highest quality aluminum, mill direct, on one of computerized cut-to-length lines. Leveled, sh ...

Te mau api auro tei nene'ihia i ni'a i te api parau aluminum foil

Te peni auro i nia i te aluminum foil

Applicatons of golden color coated aluminum foil Food container etc About us Henan Huawei Aluminum Co., Ltd. o ' na te raatira o te mau fare hamaniraa e te mau taiete e rave rahi i te fenua Taina. E hi'opoa maite tatou i te huru maitai e e haapao noa tatou i te mau hoani. We hope to have in-depth cooperation with you and provide you with high quality aluminum material products custom OEM services. If you want to get the newest and best pri ...

ahu uouo e tapo'ihia i te ahu uouo

api parau uouo aluminum

What is white color aluminum sheet? Aluminum sheets are commonly used in a variety of applications, e tae noa'tu i te paturaa, Te hamaniraa i te mau pereoo uira, e te mau Ô Haapaeraa Maa. E nehenehe te peni o te hoê api parau e taui ia au i te mau tumu e rave rahi, e tae noa'tu i te faanahoraa no te hamaniraa, Rapaauraa i ni'a i te fenu, e te pereue. E nehenehe e hamani i te mau api parau uouo na roto i te mau ravea huru rau, including painti ...

Eaha te faaohiparaa i te taura aluminum aluminum

E faaohipa-pinepine-hia te mau hoho'a peni no te hamani i te mau hoho'a peni, te mau matini uira, Te mau nota, Te Mau Mana'o no te Haapiiraa e te Tahi Atu mau Ô. Teie i muri nei e rave rahi mau faaohiparaa matauhia no te hamani i te mau niuniu uira aluminum: Te faaneheneheraa i te mau fare: E nehenehe e faaohipa i te mau hoho'a peni aluminum no te mau materia paturaa mai te mau tapo'i fare, Te mau papa'i o te piha, Te mau nota, te mau opani e te mau haamaramarama. Te mau matini uira: Peni-coa ...


How about China's color-coated aluminum coil manufacturers?

Ua riro te fenua Taina ei fenua faatupu rahi e ei fenua hoo tao'a no te mau hoho'a peni, e te mau fare hamaniraa tauihaa e rave rahi e e rave rau mau tao'a. Te faaohipa - rahi - hia nei teie mau niuniu uira i roto i te paturaa, te utaraa e te tahi atu mau ohipa no to ratou vai-maoro-raa, Te ahuara'i e te faaneheneheraa. I roto i te tahi o te mau fare hamaniraa hoho'a peni teitei roa ' ' e i te fenua Taina, te vai ra: Chalco Rui Co., Ltd. Henan Huawei Aluminum Co., Ltd. Teie mau mea i ni'a i te ...

HuaWei Aluminum Color Coated Aluminum Coil Products Feature

E mea ohie ia hamani i te hoê niuniu uira hamanihia i te û, faaohiparaa rahi, i roto i te paturaa, te mau matini uira, Te mau nota, Te mau tuhaa o te mahana e te tahi atu mau tuhaa o te mau faaohiparaa huru rau. E nehenehe e faaohipa i te aluminum peni anaana ei paruru o te mau fare i rapaeau, patu o te mau parau faatianiani, e nehenehe e faaohipa i te reira ei mauhaa uira, E mea aueue ore te ha'utiraa moni, te vahi i muri a'e i te rapaauraa taa ê 30 te mau matahiti o ...


Eaha te mau tao'a e nehenehe e faaohipahia no te hamani i te aluminum peni?

E nehenehe te mau anoiraa o te û e taui ia au i te faaohiparaa e hinaarohia e te peni taa maitai e titauhia. Te rahiraa o te taime, aluminum alloys i roto i te 1xxx, 3Te mau mana'o tauturu no te, e e faaohipa - pinepine - hia te mau anairaa 5xxx no te hamani i te aluminum peni. E mea viivii ore te anairaa 1xxx e te aluminum e mea maitai roa te patoiraa e te rave - maitai - raa i te ohipa. Tera râ,, e mea mărû ratou e aita e tano no te mau faaohiparaa i te vahi e titauhia te puai rahi. ...

camouflage color coated aluminum coil

Te mau vahi maitatai o te mau peni camouflage tei tapo'ihia i te aluminum coil

E rave rahi mau vahi maitatai to te peni camouflage tei tapo'ihia i te aluminum coil, tae noa'tu i te: Te mau mana'o tauturu no te haapiiraa: Te vai ra to te hoê hoho'a otahi e te nehenehe e nehenehe e faaohipahia no te mau faaohiparaa huru rau mai te faaneheneheraa i rapaeau, Te mau nota, e te mau nota. E hi'o oia i te mau fare tahua natura e te au - roa - hia i roto i te mau aua auauraa animala, Te mau aua faehau, e i rapae au ...