Api parau hamanihia i te aluminum

Powder i nia i te mereti aluminum api

Parameters of powder painted aluminum plain plates Technology: Te mau nota ( PHPF ), te to'eto'e ( CC ), cast Thickness: 3mm etc Applications of powder coated aluminium flat sheets Cladding panels etc

api no te peniraa

api no te peni

Huawei Aluminum color-coated aluminum alloy production The color coated aluminum specialist can benefit your business with more than fifty colors, a wide assortment of gauges and the largest ready-to-ship inventory of colored aluminum sheet and coil in the industry! Color coated aluminum sheets are processed from the highest quality aluminum, mill direct, on one of computerized cut-to-length lines. Leveled, sh ...


3000 Series Color Coated Aluminum Coil

3000 anairaa aluminum alloy product specifications: Te huru o te Alloy: 3000 anairaa aluminum alloy (te rahiraa o te taime 3003, 3004, 3105, e te vai atu ra.) Te mau tuhaa o te me'ume'u: typically 0.2mm to 3.0mm Width range: typically 600mm to 1600mm Coating type: polyester (PE), Te mau nota (PU), polyvinyl fluoride (PVDF), e te tahi atu â. Te mau ma'itiraa no te peni: Various colors and effects are available Coating thickness: 20 000 e tae atu i te 30 000 (can be customized accordin ...


1000 series coil aluminum coil

"1000 anairaa peni aluminum coil" o te hoê ïa tao'a parauhia aluminum, o te faaohipa - pinepine - hia i roto i te mau tuhaa mai te paturaa i te mau patu rapaeau e te mau iri piaraa parau. Teie i muri nei te hoê omuaraa parau faataa - hu'ahu'a - hia o te alloy: Te huru o te Alloy: 1000 anairaa aluminum alloys, te mau aluminum alloys iho â râ, te vai ra i roto i te faanahoraa o te mau tao'a tahi ora te aluminum (Al) e te tahi atu mau mea rii mai te silicon (Si) e te auri (Fe). ...

te mau niuniu uira hamanihia i te aluminum

hoho'a peni aluminum coil

Eaha te hoho'a o te hoê niuniu uira aluminum? Ua riro te û o te aluminum mai te hoê miti papaa e te hoê materia taero maitai roa. E nehenehe ta'na e tape'a i te hoê maramarama roa. O te hoê ïa huru auhoa i te pae no te natura, Te faaohipa-rahi-hia nei te mau hoho'a o te matie e te nehenehe o te aluminum i roto i te ACP,tabula no te mau hoho'a,Tabula no te mau hoho'a,Taata a'o ia au i te,tapo'i fare e te rahiraa o te mau vahi faaneheneheraa. PVDF, perfluorocarbons can be div ...

HuaWei Aluminum Color Coated Aluminum Coil Products Feature

E mea ohie ia hamani i te hoê niuniu uira hamanihia i te û, faaohiparaa rahi, i roto i te paturaa, te mau matini uira, Te mau nota, Te mau tuhaa o te mahana e te tahi atu mau tuhaa o te mau faaohiparaa huru rau. E nehenehe e faaohipa i te aluminum peni anaana ei paruru o te mau fare i rapaeau, patu o te mau parau faatianiani, e nehenehe e faaohipa i te reira ei mauhaa uira, E mea aueue ore te ha'utiraa moni, te vahi i muri a'e i te rapaauraa taa ê 30 te mau matahiti o ...

What you need to know about color coated aluminum?

Color coated aluminum sheet/coil/strip/foil overview Color-coated aluminum (can be divided into color-coated aluminum coils, color-coated aluminum sheets, color-coated aluminum foils, and color-coated aluminum strips), as the name suggests, is to colorize the surface of aluminum alloys. Common color coating methods include fluorocarbon color-coated aluminum (û-coated aluminum coil), polyester color-coated al ...


Te mau taa - ê - raa i rotopu i te Coated Aluminum Coil e te Aluminum Coil

Te Aluminum Coil, o te hoê ïa tao'a parahurahu i roto i te hoê hau e ere i te mea faufaa roa, e pinepine te reira i te tavirivirihia i nia i te hoê hoho'a niuniu no te tapea ohie noa e no te faurao. Te faahiti ra te Hoê tao'a i pîpîhia i nia i te niuniu uira aluminum Coil i te hoê tao'a e pâmuhia i nia i te niuniu uira aluminum, tei matau - atoa - hia mai te peni aluminum coil aore ra te peni i nia i te hoê niuniu uira aluminum. I muri a'e i te peniraa i te hoho'a, the aluminum coil can improve the application performance and aesthetics of the aluminum coil ...


Eaha te mau tao'a e nehenehe e faaohipahia no te hamani i te aluminum peni?

E nehenehe te mau anoiraa o te û e taui ia au i te faaohiparaa e hinaarohia e te peni taa maitai e titauhia. Te rahiraa o te taime, aluminum alloys i roto i te 1xxx, 3Te mau mana'o tauturu no te, e e faaohipa - pinepine - hia te mau anairaa 5xxx no te hamani i te aluminum peni. E mea viivii ore te anairaa 1xxx e te aluminum e mea maitai roa te patoiraa e te rave - maitai - raa i te ohipa. Tera râ,, e mea mărû ratou e aita e tano no te mau faaohiparaa i te vahi e titauhia te puai rahi. ...

Eaha te faaohiparaa i te taura aluminum aluminum

E faaohipa-pinepine-hia te mau hoho'a peni no te hamani i te mau hoho'a peni, te mau matini uira, Te mau nota, Te Mau Mana'o no te Haapiiraa e te Tahi Atu mau Ô. Teie i muri nei e rave rahi mau faaohiparaa matauhia no te hamani i te mau niuniu uira aluminum: Te faaneheneheraa i te mau fare: E nehenehe e faaohipa i te mau hoho'a peni aluminum no te mau materia paturaa mai te mau tapo'i fare, Te mau papa'i o te piha, Te mau nota, te mau opani e te mau haamaramarama. Te mau matini uira: Peni-coa ...