Какова плотность покрытого алюминиевым цветом?

Вы знаете, что такое плотность?

Плотность является основным физическим свойством вещества, который описывает массу вещества на единицу объема. Конкретно, Плотность относится к количеству вещества, содержащегося в объеме единицы, обычно представляется символом ρ (родовой). В физике, Плотность определяется как отношение массы вещества (м) к тому, который он занимает (V.), то есть, P = M/V..

Density can be expressed in kilograms per cubic meter (kg/m³), grams per cubic centimeter (g/cm³) or other appropriate units. Different substances have different densities, which depend on the arrangement of their molecules or atoms, the interaction between molecules, and external conditions such as temperature and pressure.

Density is a very important physical quantity because it helps us understand the properties, structure and use of substances. Например, in manufacturing, density can be used to calculate the weight, volume and cost of materials;

What is the density of aluminum?

The density of aluminum refers to the mass of aluminum per unit volume. Конкретно, the density of aluminum refers to the mass of a certain volume of aluminum material, usually expressed in kilograms per cubic meter (kg/m³) or grams per cubic centimeter (g/cm³). The density of aluminum is relatively low, about 2.7 grams per cubic centimeter (g/cm³) или 2700 kilograms per cubic meter (kg/m³). This means that the mass of aluminum material per cubic centimeter is about 2.7 grams, and the mass of aluminum material per cubic meter is about 2700 kilograms.

Is the density of aluminum metal the same?

After processing, aluminum metal is divided into 1000, 2000, 3000, 4000, 5000, 6000, 7000, 8000 алюминиевые сплавы серии. The aluminum density will also be different due to the different metals added between different series.

What is the density for aluminum?

The 1xxx-8xxx series has a certain difference in alloy composition, which is also the main reason for the different density aluminum. The density of 1-8 series aluminum alloys is shown in the following table.

Алюминиевый сплав Density of aluminum g/cm³ Density of aluminum kg/m³ Aluminum density in lb/in³
1050 aluminum density 2.71 2710 0.0979
aluminum 1060 density 2.71 2710 0.0979
1070 aluminum density 2.71 2710 0.0979
1100 aluminum density 2.71 2710 0.0979
1200 aluminum density 2.71 2710 0.0979
1235 aluminum density 2.71 2710 0.0979
1350 aluminum density 2.71 2710 0.0979
aluminum 2024 density 2.78 2780 0.1005
3003 aluminum density 2.73 2730 0.0986
aluminum 3004 density 2.73 2730 0.0986
3005 aluminum density 2.73 2730 0.0986
3105 aluminum density 2.73 2730 0.0986
5005 aluminum density 2.70 2700 0.0975
5051 aluminum density 2.69 2690 0.0965
aluminum 5052 density 2.68 2680 0.0960
5083 aluminum density 2.66 2660 0.0955
5086 aluminum density 2.66 2660 0.0955
5182 aluminum density 2.69 2690 0.0965
5754 aluminum density 2.67 2670 0.0958
aluminum 6061 density 2.70 2700 0.0975
6063 aluminum density 2.70 2700 0.0975
6083 aluminum density 2.70 2700 0.0975
7075 aluminum density 2.81 2810 0.1015
8011 aluminum density 2.71 2710 0.0979
8021 aluminum density 2.71 2710 0.0979
8079 aluminum density 2.71 2710 0.0979