With its small specific gravity, easy processing and high mechanical strength, aluminum sheet has been widely used for many years in doors, windows, curtain walls and other products of buildings. Aluminum is a relatively active light metal with silver luster, and its corrosion resistance has the following two characteristics. The higher the purity, the better the corrosion resistance, mainly because pure alumi ...
Color coating aluminium sheet is made by degreasing and chemically treating the surface of the aluminum substrate, then rolling on a high-quality coating and drying and curing. The substrate material is the same as that of the web. Through the high-performance roller coating process, it can more effectively control the precision and flatness of the plate, successfully eliminating the traditional cause of bump and ...
Color coated aluminum coil is easy to process, wide application, in the construction, elektr jihozlari, furniture, solar panels and other aspects of a wide range of applications. Color bright color aluminum can be used as a protective layer of outdoor buildings, advertising wall, can be used as electronic product shell, gas performance is stable, the surface after special treatment can even reach 30 years of ...
Yuqori darajadagi alyuminiy magniyli marganets rangli alyuminiy lasan Xitoy sanoati va qurilish sanoatining jadal rivojlanishi bilan, tobora ko'proq bezak yoki bino paydo bo'ladi, shuning uchun juda ko'p materiallar mavjud, shuning uchun materiallarni tanlash muhimroq masalaga aylandi. Yuqori sifatli alyuminiy magniyli marganets rangli alyuminiy lasan ko'plab yuqori darajadagi binolar uchun zarur bo'lgan materialdir. Yuqori sifatli aluminiyni tanlashda ...
Rangli qoplangan alyuminiy rulonlarning qoplamasi bo'linadi: polyester bilan qoplangan alyuminiy rulolar (PE), florokarbon bilan qoplangan alyuminiy rulolar (PVDF). Alyuminiy plastinka yuzasini ko'p marta pishirish natijasida hosil bo'lgan poliester qoplamasi mustahkam yopishgan uzluksiz hosil bo'lishi mumkin Qattiq plyonkalar himoya dekorativ xususiyatlarga ega.. Bu ultrabinafsha nurlanishiga qarshi qoplama. Polyester qatroni ester o'z ichiga olgan yuqori molekulyar polimerdan qilingan ...
Product name: black coated aluminum sheets Aluminum sheet with top side 18 mic pe black coated and back side with laqure SIZE (MM)
ALLOY / TEMPER 0.9 x 1036 x 2100