Ці можаце вы прадставіць тыпы алюмініевых рулонаў з каляровым пакрыццём??

The coating of color-coated aluminum coils is divided into: алюмініевыя шпулькі з поліэфірным пакрыццём (PE), алюмініевыя шпулькі з фторуглеродным пакрыццём (ПВДФ). Поліэфірнае пакрыццё, утворанае шляхам шматразовага абпалу паверхні алюмініевай пласціны, можа ўтвараць трывала прылепленую бесперапынную плёнку. Цвёрдыя плёнкі валодаюць ахоўнымі дэкаратыўнымі ўласцівасцямі. Гэта пакрыццё супраць ультрафіялету. Поліэфірная смала зроблена з высокамалекулярнага палімера, які змяшчае эфірныя сувязі ў галоўным ланцугу, і дадаецца алкидная смала. У адпаведнасці з бляскам паглынальнік ультрафіялету можна падзяліць на матавую і глянцавую. It can endow colorful aluminum products with rich colors, good gloss and smoothness, as well as superior texture and feel, and can also increase the sense of layering and three-dimensionality. It can protect objects exposed to the atmosphere and be attacked by ultraviolet radiation, wind, rain, frost and snow; due to temperature differences, freeze-thaw cycles, corrosive gases and microorganisms, the coating can play a protective role. Асабліва падыходзіць для ўнутранага аздаблення і рэкламных шчытоў.

Fluorocarbon Coated Prepainted Aluminum Coil (ПВДФ)
Fluorocarbon coatings are PVDF resins, mainly referring to vinylidene fluoride homopolymers or copolymers of vinylidene fluoride and other small amounts of fluorine-containing vinyl monomers. The chemical structure of the hydrofluoric acid base material is bonded by fluorine/carbon bonds. The stability and firmness of this chemical structure make the physical properties of fluorocarbon coatings different from ordinary coatings. In addition to the abrasion resistance and impact resistance in terms of mechanical properties, it has excellent performance, especially in harsh climates and environments, it shows long-term fading resistance and UV resistance. After high-temperature baking to form a film, the molecular structure of the coating is tight and has weather resistance.

Фторуглеродные пакрыцця можна падзяліць на традыцыйныя фторуглеродные пакрыцця і нана-фторуглеродные пакрыцця ў залежнасці ад структуры ўтварэння павярхоўнай плёнкі. . Coating manufacturers guarantee the service life of coatings starting from 10 гадоў, 15 years to more than 20 гадоў. General coatings have been tested and compared. The coated samples were exposed to hot sunlight in Florida, USA, and exposed to the harsh environment of humid and salty air for 12 гадоў, which actually proved the stability and durability of fluorocarbon coatings. The performance is 30 and 80 percent higher than the other two coatings, and the fluorocarbon coating ensures the use in various harsh environments.